As a home or business owner, you are responsible for the safety of visitors, customers, delivery personnel, employees and others. When ice and snow accumulate on your driveway, parking lot or sidewalks, you need a product that will quickly take care of the problem. At Seneca Mineral Company, we provide ice melt products for driveways and other areas that work quickly and effectively. We have been supplying ice melt products for sidewalks, roadways, parking lots and more since our company opened back in 1957.
Ice Melt Products for Concrete
Seneca Mineral Company produces, stores and distributes LS25, which is an oil-free, naturally occurring, clear solution of liquid chlorides. There are many advantages to this product, including:
- Naturally low freezing point (No additives in LS25)
- Prevent the bonding of snow and ice to surface
- Film of chlorides that are left on the driving or walking surface make it easier for snowplows and shovels to remove the snow and ice
- Easier to handle
- Less expensive
- Corrosion inhibitor additive available
Our ice melt products for asphalt can also be used as a pre-wetting agent. That means it can be applied before a storm to prevent frozen accumulation from bonding to surfaces or added to rock salt. It helps speed up the melting action of rock salt, which:
- Keeps more rock salt on the road by reducing scatter and bounce
- Allows the use of rock salt when it is colder
- Reduces the amount of rock salt needed
- Corrosion inhibitor additive available
Come See the Seneca Mineral Difference
We know that our products are some of the best available on the market today. Our service to our customers is also top-notch. We keep our prices competitive and our delivery very fast. Anytime you call our company, one of our owner’s answer the phone. This lets our customers get the fastest answers to their questions.
If you are ready to learn more about our ice melt products for driveways and more, simply give us a call at 1-800-291-9222. We are ready to help you with your deicing needs.